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C.P. Mann & Family Angus

Imlay City, MI

Pure-bred Angus herd bulls & replacement females. 


Mann Angus Bulls & Heifers

Bulls available for purchase at silent auction on March 24, 2018. For complete auction details, please review the flyer

Click images below to learn more about each bull and to see complete EPD information. 

Yearling Bulls 

Aged Bulls


Cow & Calf Pairs

Our Philosophy


Maternal Traits - Carl Buehrly and Bill Hinrichsen taught me how valuable the cow family is to your success. Carl was a big believer in letting cows get the calving job done on their own and we continue to subscribe to that philosophy today.   Carl loved to let cows calve in a woodlot out of the wind and away from the barn.  At the end of the day we need to manage our purebred herds without special treatment if we plan on propagating genetics that will work to improve the commercial herd.

It is amazing how much quicker that cow calf bond happens when we stay out of the momma’s way and let her exhibit her maternal instincts.

Longevity - C.P. Mann and Family knows firsthand how expensive it is to get a replacement heifer raised up to the point that she gives you a calf.  That initial expense needs to be amortized over many years and many calves in order for an operation to be profitable. 

We are flushing our older (8 years or more) proven cows whose EPD profile for maternal, growth and carcass traits are still economically strong.  These are the cows whose feet are still great and are moving like they are still youngsters.

Husbandry-Our goal is for our animals to never have a bad day. The excellent care our animals receive is designed to let the animal exhibit its full genetic potential .  Most importantly we want the animal to proliferate that excellent  genetic potential in our customers herds.

Stewardship - The land takes care of us so we need to take care of the land so that future generations can enjoy the same great lifestyle that we have.


About Mann Angus


Mann Angus was founded in 1988 when C.P. Mann purchased his first heifer from his employer upon his graduation and completion of employment at Michigan State University.

Prior to that purchase, Mann had been a student worker at the University’s Cow Calf operation and a member of the MSU Livestock Judging team. The tutelage of Dr. Dave Hawkins, Dr. Dennis Banks, Dr. Harlan Ritchie along with the farm Manager Pete Sweeney,  Dave Walker and the Herdsman Carl Buehrly gave Mann a great foundation of knowledge to get started . Thirty years later we are still building on that foundation.

With this  initial purchase Mann started to build his own program which continues today with a huge assist from his good friends Ron, Lynn. Bill and Judy Hinrichsen.  The Hinrichsen’s  kept the program going at their Kansas Ranch during a time when Mann needed to step away from his operation due to career demands. 

The help of the Hinrichsen family is the reason the genetics of that original purchase are still running strong in the herd today.  They have also sold many great cows to Mann over the years, further improving the Michigan based herd.

Today the C.P. Mann and Family ranch runs 50 registered Angus cows and a small commercial herd.  Commercial calves are retained and fed out for our freezer beef customer’s enjoyment.  Headquarters are located on 310 acres near Imlay City Michigan.  Guests are always welcome to visit.